// source --> https://vlogservice.be/wp-content/plugins/mi-logo-slider-vc/public/js/tether.js?ver=1.0.0 /*! tether 1.3.3 */ (function(root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); } else { root.Tether = factory(); } }(this, function(require, exports, module) { 'use strict'; var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ('value' in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })(); function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); } } var TetherBase = undefined; if (typeof TetherBase === 'undefined') { TetherBase = { modules: [] }; } var zeroElement = null; // Same as native getBoundingClientRect, except it takes into account parent offsets // if the element lies within a nested document ( or '; } else if (video.type === 'vimeo') { html = ''; } item.addClass('owl-video-playing'); this._playing = item; wrap = $('
' + html + '
'); target.after(wrap); }; /** * Checks whether an video is currently in full screen mode or not. * @todo Bad style because looks like a readonly method but changes members. * @protected * @returns {Boolean} */ Video.prototype.isInFullScreen = function() { // if Vimeo Fullscreen mode var element = document.fullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement; if (element && $(element).parent().hasClass('owl-video-frame')) { this._core.speed(0); this._fullscreen = true; } if (element && this._fullscreen && this._playing) { return false; } // comming back from fullscreen if (this._fullscreen) { this._fullscreen = false; return false; } // check full screen mode and window orientation if (this._playing) { if (this._core.state.orientation !== window.orientation) { this._core.state.orientation = window.orientation; return false; } } return true; }; /** * Destroys the plugin. */ Video.prototype.destroy = function() { var handler, property; this._core.$element.off('click.owl.video'); for (handler in this._handlers) { this._core.$element.off(handler, this._handlers[handler]); } for (property in Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) { typeof this[property] != 'function' && (this[property] = null); } }; $.fn.miOwlCarousel.Constructor.Plugins.Video = Video; })(window.Zepto || window.jQuery, window, document); /** * Animate Plugin * @version 2.0.0 * @author Bartosz Wojciechowski * @license The MIT License (MIT) */ ;(function($, window, document, undefined) { /** * Creates the animate plugin. * @class The Navigation Plugin * @param {Owl} scope - The Owl Carousel */ var Animate = function(scope) { this.core = scope; this.core.options = $.extend({}, Animate.Defaults, this.core.options); this.swapping = true; this.previous = undefined; this.next = undefined; this.handlers = { 'change.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { if (e.property.name == 'position') { this.previous = this.core.current(); this.next = e.property.value; } }, this), 'drag.owl.carousel dragged.owl.carousel translated.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { this.swapping = e.type == 'translated'; }, this), 'translate.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { if (this.swapping && (this.core.options.animateOut || this.core.options.animateIn)) { this.swap(); } }, this) }; this.core.$element.on(this.handlers); }; /** * Default options. * @public */ Animate.Defaults = { animateOut: false, animateIn: false }; /** * Toggles the animation classes whenever an translations starts. * @protected * @returns {Boolean|undefined} */ Animate.prototype.swap = function() { if (this.core.settings.items !== 1 || !this.core.support3d) { return; } this.core.speed(0); var left, clear = $.proxy(this.clear, this), previous = this.core.$stage.children().eq(this.previous), next = this.core.$stage.children().eq(this.next), incoming = this.core.settings.animateIn, outgoing = this.core.settings.animateOut; if (this.core.current() === this.previous) { return; } if (outgoing) { left = this.core.coordinates(this.previous) - this.core.coordinates(this.next); previous.css( { 'left': left + 'px' } ) .addClass('animated owl-animated-out') .addClass(outgoing) .one('webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend', clear); } if (incoming) { next.addClass('animated owl-animated-in') .addClass(incoming) .one('webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend', clear); } }; Animate.prototype.clear = function(e) { $(e.target).css( { 'left': '' } ) .removeClass('animated owl-animated-out owl-animated-in') .removeClass(this.core.settings.animateIn) .removeClass(this.core.settings.animateOut); this.core.transitionEnd(); } /** * Destroys the plugin. * @public */ Animate.prototype.destroy = function() { var handler, property; for (handler in this.handlers) { this.core.$element.off(handler, this.handlers[handler]); } for (property in Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) { typeof this[property] != 'function' && (this[property] = null); } }; $.fn.miOwlCarousel.Constructor.Plugins.Animate = Animate; })(window.Zepto || window.jQuery, window, document); /** * Autoplay Plugin * @version 2.0.0 * @author Bartosz Wojciechowski * @license The MIT License (MIT) */ ;(function($, window, document, undefined) { /** * Creates the autoplay plugin. * @class The Autoplay Plugin * @param {Owl} scope - The Owl Carousel */ var Autoplay = function(scope) { this.core = scope; this.core.options = $.extend({}, Autoplay.Defaults, this.core.options); this.handlers = { 'translated.owl.carousel refreshed.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function() { this.autoplay(); }, this), 'play.owl.autoplay': $.proxy(function(e, t, s) { this.play(t, s); }, this), 'stop.owl.autoplay': $.proxy(function() { this.stop(); }, this), 'mouseover.owl.autoplay': $.proxy(function() { if (this.core.settings.autoplayHoverPause) { this.pause(); } }, this), 'mouseleave.owl.autoplay': $.proxy(function() { if (this.core.settings.autoplayHoverPause) { this.autoplay(); } }, this) }; this.core.$element.on(this.handlers); }; /** * Default options. * @public */ Autoplay.Defaults = { autoplay: false, autoplayTimeout: 5000, autoplayHoverPause: false, autoplaySpeed: false }; /** * @protected * @todo Must be documented. */ Autoplay.prototype.autoplay = function() { if (this.core.settings.autoplay && !this.core.state.videoPlay) { window.clearInterval(this.interval); this.interval = window.setInterval($.proxy(function() { this.play(); }, this), this.core.settings.autoplayTimeout); } else { window.clearInterval(this.interval); } }; /** * Starts the autoplay. * @public * @param {Number} [timeout] - ... * @param {Number} [speed] - ... * @returns {Boolean|undefined} - ... * @todo Must be documented. */ Autoplay.prototype.play = function(timeout, speed) { // if tab is inactive - doesnt work in } */ this._templates = []; /** * The carousel element. * @type {jQuery} */ this.$element = this._core.$element; /** * Overridden methods of the carousel. * @protected * @type {Object} */ this._overrides = { next: this._core.next, prev: this._core.prev, to: this._core.to }; /** * All event handlers. * @protected * @type {Object} */ this._handlers = { 'prepared.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { if (this._core.settings.dotsData) { this._templates.push($(e.content).find('[data-dot]').andSelf('[data-dot]').attr('data-dot')); } }, this), 'add.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { if (this._core.settings.dotsData) { this._templates.splice(e.position, 0, $(e.content).find('[data-dot]').andSelf('[data-dot]').attr('data-dot')); } }, this), 'remove.owl.carousel prepared.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { if (this._core.settings.dotsData) { this._templates.splice(e.position, 1); } }, this), 'change.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { if (e.property.name == 'position') { if (!this._core.state.revert && !this._core.settings.loop && this._core.settings.navRewind) { var current = this._core.current(), maximum = this._core.maximum(), minimum = this._core.minimum(); e.data = e.property.value > maximum ? current >= maximum ? minimum : maximum : e.property.value < minimum ? maximum : e.property.value; } } }, this), 'changed.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { if (e.property.name == 'position') { this.draw(); } }, this), 'refreshed.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function() { if (!this._initialized) { this.initialize(); this._initialized = true; } this._core.trigger('refresh', null, 'navigation'); this.update(); this.draw(); this._core.trigger('refreshed', null, 'navigation'); }, this) }; // set default options this._core.options = $.extend({}, Navigation.Defaults, this._core.options); // register event handlers this.$element.on(this._handlers); } /** * Default options. * @public * @todo Rename `slideBy` to `navBy` */ Navigation.Defaults = { nav: false, navRewind: true, navText: [ 'prev', 'next' ], navSpeed: false, navElement: 'div', navContainer: false, navContainerClass: 'owl-nav', navClass: [ 'owl-prev', 'owl-next' ], slideBy: 1, dotClass: 'owl-dot', dotsClass: 'owl-dots', dots: true, dotsEach: false, dotData: false, dotsSpeed: false, dotsContainer: false, controlsClass: 'owl-controls' } /** * Initializes the layout of the plugin and extends the carousel. * @protected */ Navigation.prototype.initialize = function() { var $container, override, options = this._core.settings; // create the indicator template if (!options.dotsData) { this._templates = [ $('
') .addClass(options.dotClass) .append($('')) .prop('outerHTML') ]; } // create controls container if needed if (!options.navContainer || !options.dotsContainer) { this._controls.$container = $('
') .addClass(options.controlsClass) .appendTo(this.$element); } // create DOM structure for absolute navigation this._controls.$indicators = options.dotsContainer ? $(options.dotsContainer) : $('
').hide().addClass(options.dotsClass).appendTo(this._controls.$container); this._controls.$indicators.on('click', 'div', $.proxy(function(e) { var index = $(e.target).parent().is(this._controls.$indicators) ? $(e.target).index() : $(e.target).parent().index(); e.preventDefault(); this.to(index, options.dotsSpeed); }, this)); // create DOM structure for relative navigation $container = options.navContainer ? $(options.navContainer) : $('
').addClass(options.navContainerClass).prependTo(this._controls.$container); this._controls.$next = $('<' + options.navElement + '>'); this._controls.$previous = this._controls.$next.clone(); this._controls.$previous .addClass(options.navClass[0]) .html(options.navText[0]) .hide() .prependTo($container) .on('click', $.proxy(function(e) { this.prev(options.navSpeed); }, this)); this._controls.$next .addClass(options.navClass[1]) .html(options.navText[1]) .hide() .appendTo($container) .on('click', $.proxy(function(e) { this.next(options.navSpeed); }, this)); // override public methods of the carousel for (override in this._overrides) { this._core[override] = $.proxy(this[override], this); } } /** * Destroys the plugin. * @protected */ Navigation.prototype.destroy = function() { var handler, control, property, override; for (handler in this._handlers) { this.$element.off(handler, this._handlers[handler]); } for (control in this._controls) { this._controls[control].remove(); } for (override in this.overides) { this._core[override] = this._overrides[override]; } for (property in Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) { typeof this[property] != 'function' && (this[property] = null); } } /** * Updates the internal state. * @protected */ Navigation.prototype.update = function() { var i, j, k, options = this._core.settings, lower = this._core.clones().length / 2, upper = lower + this._core.items().length, size = options.center || options.autoWidth || options.dotData ? 1 : options.dotsEach || options.items; if (options.slideBy !== 'page') { options.slideBy = Math.min(options.slideBy, options.items); } if (options.dots || options.slideBy == 'page') { this._pages = []; for (i = lower, j = 0, k = 0; i < upper; i++) { if (j >= size || j === 0) { this._pages.push({ start: i - lower, end: i - lower + size - 1 }); j = 0, ++k; } j += this._core.mergers(this._core.relative(i)); } } } /** * Draws the user interface. * @todo The option `dotData` wont work. * @protected */ Navigation.prototype.draw = function() { var difference, i, html = '', options = this._core.settings, $items = this._core.$stage.children(), index = this._core.relative(this._core.current()); if (options.nav && !options.loop && !options.navRewind) { this._controls.$previous.toggleClass('disabled', index <= 0); this._controls.$next.toggleClass('disabled', index >= this._core.maximum()); } this._controls.$previous.toggle(options.nav); this._controls.$next.toggle(options.nav); if (options.dots) { difference = this._pages.length - this._controls.$indicators.children().length; if (options.dotData && difference !== 0) { for (i = 0; i < this._controls.$indicators.children().length; i++) { html += this._templates[this._core.relative(i)]; } this._controls.$indicators.html(html); } else if (difference > 0) { html = new Array(difference + 1).join(this._templates[0]); this._controls.$indicators.append(html); } else if (difference < 0) { this._controls.$indicators.children().slice(difference).remove(); } this._controls.$indicators.find('.active').removeClass('active'); this._controls.$indicators.children().eq($.inArray(this.current(), this._pages)).addClass('active'); } this._controls.$indicators.toggle(options.dots); } /** * Extends event data. * @protected * @param {Event} event - The event object which gets thrown. */ Navigation.prototype.onTrigger = function(event) { var settings = this._core.settings; event.page = { index: $.inArray(this.current(), this._pages), count: this._pages.length, size: settings && (settings.center || settings.autoWidth || settings.dotData ? 1 : settings.dotsEach || settings.items) }; } /** * Gets the current page position of the carousel. * @protected * @returns {Number} */ Navigation.prototype.current = function() { var index = this._core.relative(this._core.current()); return $.grep(this._pages, function(o) { return o.start <= index && o.end >= index; }).pop(); } /** * Gets the current succesor/predecessor position. * @protected * @returns {Number} */ Navigation.prototype.getPosition = function(successor) { var position, length, options = this._core.settings; if (options.slideBy == 'page') { position = $.inArray(this.current(), this._pages); length = this._pages.length; successor ? ++position : --position; position = this._pages[((position % length) + length) % length].start; } else { position = this._core.relative(this._core.current()); length = this._core.items().length; successor ? position += options.slideBy : position -= options.slideBy; } return position; } /** * Slides to the next item or page. * @public * @param {Number} [speed=false] - The time in milliseconds for the transition. */ Navigation.prototype.next = function(speed) { $.proxy(this._overrides.to, this._core)(this.getPosition(true), speed); } /** * Slides to the previous item or page. * @public * @param {Number} [speed=false] - The time in milliseconds for the transition. */ Navigation.prototype.prev = function(speed) { $.proxy(this._overrides.to, this._core)(this.getPosition(false), speed); } /** * Slides to the specified item or page. * @public * @param {Number} position - The position of the item or page. * @param {Number} [speed] - The time in milliseconds for the transition. * @param {Boolean} [standard=false] - Whether to use the standard behaviour or not. */ Navigation.prototype.to = function(position, speed, standard) { var length; if (!standard) { length = this._pages.length; $.proxy(this._overrides.to, this._core)(this._pages[((position % length) + length) % length].start, speed); } else { $.proxy(this._overrides.to, this._core)(position, speed); } } $.fn.miOwlCarousel.Constructor.Plugins.Navigation = Navigation; })(window.Zepto || window.jQuery, window, document); /** * Hash Plugin * @version 2.0.0 * @author Artus Kolanowski * @license The MIT License (MIT) */ ;(function($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; /** * Creates the hash plugin. * @class The Hash Plugin * @param {Owl} carousel - The Owl Carousel */ var Hash = function(carousel) { /** * Reference to the core. * @protected * @type {Owl} */ this._core = carousel; /** * Hash table for the hashes. * @protected * @type {Object} */ this._hashes = {}; /** * The carousel element. * @type {jQuery} */ this.$element = this._core.$element; /** * All event handlers. * @protected * @type {Object} */ this._handlers = { 'initialized.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function() { if (this._core.settings.startPosition == 'URLHash') { $(window).trigger('hashchange.owl.navigation'); } }, this), 'prepared.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function(e) { var hash = $(e.content).find('[data-hash]').andSelf('[data-hash]').attr('data-hash'); this._hashes[hash] = e.content; }, this) }; // set default options this._core.options = $.extend({}, Hash.Defaults, this._core.options); // register the event handlers this.$element.on(this._handlers); // register event listener for hash navigation $(window).on('hashchange.owl.navigation', $.proxy(function() { var hash = window.location.hash.substring(1), items = this._core.$stage.children(), position = this._hashes[hash] && items.index(this._hashes[hash]) || 0; if (!hash) { return false; } this._core.to(position, false, true); }, this)); } /** * Default options. * @public */ Hash.Defaults = { URLhashListener: false } /** * Destroys the plugin. * @public */ Hash.prototype.destroy = function() { var handler, property; $(window).off('hashchange.owl.navigation'); for (handler in this._handlers) { this._core.$element.off(handler, this._handlers[handler]); } for (property in Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) { typeof this[property] != 'function' && (this[property] = null); } } $.fn.miOwlCarousel.Constructor.Plugins.Hash = Hash; })(window.Zepto || window.jQuery, window, document); // source --> https://vlogservice.be/wp-content/plugins/mi-logo-slider-vc/public/js/slick.js?ver=1.0.0 /* _ _ _ _ ___| (_) ___| | __ (_)___ / __| | |/ __| |/ / | / __| \__ \ | | (__| < _ | \__ \ |___/_|_|\___|_|\_(_)/ |___/ |__/ Version: 1.6.0 Author: Ken Wheeler Website: http://kenwheeler.github.io Docs: http://kenwheeler.github.io/slick Repo: http://github.com/kenwheeler/slick Issues: http://github.com/kenwheeler/slick/issues */ /* global window, document, define, jQuery, setInterval, clearInterval */ (function(factory) { 'use strict'; if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['jquery'], factory); } else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { module.exports = factory(require('jquery')); } else { factory(jQuery); } }(function($) { 'use strict'; var Slick = window.Slick || {}; Slick = (function() { var instanceUid = 0; function Slick(element, settings) { var _ = this, dataSettings; _.defaults = { accessibility: true, adaptiveHeight: false, appendArrows: $(element), appendDots: $(element), arrows: true, asNavFor: null, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', autoplay: false, autoplaySpeed: 3000, centerMode: false, centerPadding: '50px', cssEase: 'ease', customPaging: function(slider, i) { return $('